Help me! Help you?

Lonye Scott
2 min readFeb 17, 2021


Y’all, I’m too damn supportive. Like for real, and I hate it but love it.

Your dog dies, boom I’ll help you dig the 2ft hole for your 9 inch yorkie. Might even create a memory picture frame, call and check up on you everyday and bring you your favorite snacks. Just for a dog you named pickle.

And honestly I can’t help it! I try so hard not to, because would they support me if I was in their shoes? If I see someone sad or happy I unconsciously imagine myself in their shoes. What would I want to hear if I was in THEIR situation, what would make me smile? If it’s an accomplishment I think about me and how hard I would have worked if I accomplished what they did and give them the same support I would love to hear!

You’ve been working on losing weight for the past four months and finally reached your desired goal, of course I’d be happy for you! Because I would be happy for ME if I was in your shoes.

Maybe I need to work on not putting myself in other people’s shoes so much, but it gives me a better outlook on life. To be fair, I’m technically in my own shoes for 364 days. Minus one for Halloween of course. So being you for a couple of minutes wouldn’t hurt anyone, in the long run i’m actually helping.

If society was more supportive or filled their shoes with someone else’s problems more often, they’ll know how to support someone off bat. Like me, it becomes second nature honestly.

Disclosed information but, I’ve never really received the proper support before. It either was bare minimum or nothing at all. So let me help you help me, help us be too damn supporting.

