Know your worth.

Lonye Scott
2 min readNov 18, 2020


By: Lonye Scott

Something that irks my soul, is females who don’t know their worth. Especially my black beautiful queens. Or WOC in general, we have been through too much to settle.Settling for less simply means settling for anything less than what you deserve. Not what someone else tells you to deserve but what you truly believe you deserve. In the end, every human should want to deserve happiness. We find ourselves settling for less because we never had more. We believe that this is the most we will find and we settle, knowing that this isn’t enough. Settling happens mostly in relationships, specifically toxic relationships. If you ever find yourself, asking for more. Asking your partner for change repeatedly. Accepting promises of change with no result of change is manipulation. They get into your head, make you believe that they are going to do better. Yet within a few days or even weeks, it goes back to the same problems. You settle because you’re in love, you settle because you believe it’s going to work regardless of how many times they show you their true colors. Now don’t get me wrong, relationships will have problems, that’s absolutely fine and quite frankly it’s partially healthy to have problems here and there. It helps shape you guys, and understand each other more with finding a solution together. It becomes a problem when it’s a recurring situation. With the same excuse, especially if you work hard to change or avoid the problem to come back up. But your partner needs to match this energy, that’s the only way to solve things together. Knowing your worth, knowing what you want to accomplish in life with or without a relationship. Knowing how to love yourself, be your own best friend so when someone comes into your life. You wouldn’t be dependent on what they can do for you, but more dependent on how they could make what you already have better. Knowing your worth will keep you strong minded and push forward if anything were to ever occur within you guys. Because when they leave, you can still function. If you don’t know your worth, and settle for less and dont have alot of self love. Imagine how hard life will be to adapt without them as your support? If you only felt happiness with them in your life, of course you will convince yourself that you can’t find that again. Which leads to running back, settling for love, that you can give to yourself. Ladies you have to love yourself, know yourself, knowing your worth before even trying to get to know someone else. Find out how much you can do for yourself alone and never settle for anything less.

