The Fued

Lonye Scott
4 min readMar 11, 2021


“It’s time for the Feud. I’ve got the question, you’ve got the answers. Let’s have some fun.”

Today we have two wonderful teams, on the right side we have Lonye’s heart! And on the left side we have Lonye’s brain! Let’s give it up for both teams who came down here to compete for today’s grand prize….Happiness!

If you’re not familiar with the show, these two teams will compete answering various questions, and the team with the highest score wins! These questions will be based on situations and each team has to estimate which way Love handles these problems! And in the end we will uncover if she sides with her heart or brain more!

Round one! Topic is- Conversating!

While walking down the street lonye is approached by a homeless man.

Does she, A: gives the begging man money, or B: Ignore while walking away.

*buzz buzz*

Okayyy Guys! Our first response of the day is from Lonye’s heart, you may continue with your answer.

“A: gives the begging man money! She hates seeing people in need!”

Okay right team says A, give the many money, is it up there?


Ding! Correct, 10pts to Lonye’s heart.

“Ha that’s cap, Lonye knows she dont have money herself! All them uber eats and doordash orders-”

Hey! Lonye’s brain please no interuptions.

Question two, In class the teacher assigns a 3 person group project. Will Lonye, A: Take lead and give out the ideas as a leader. Or B: Sit back and wait until someone else takes the lead role.

*buzz buzz*

Yes Lonye’s brain you may answer.

“A: She will definitely take lead, do yall not know this girl is an Aries! Her way or no way, respectfully.”

Ding! Correct that’s 10pts for the left team! Both teams are currently neck and neck and there’s one more question to conclude this round. Team who wins will choose to start round two, speed round or give it to the opposing team.

Question three, While arguing with her significant other will Lonye, A: Yell louder to over rule. Or B: Get quiet before tears start to flow.

*buzz buzz*

Lonye’s heart, what’s your answer?

“B: Get quiet because she hates the feeling of not being listened to and losing an argument. Even though she’s upset, tears of frustration might fall”

“Shes needs to grow more balls, such a p-”

Lonye’s brain silent please!

Correct! That’s another 10pts for Lonye’s heart, leaving the right team with a total of 20pts and the advantage for the speed round. The question is, will they choose to use it! We’ll be back after this commercial break!

“I would be surprised if your team even catches backup with us, heck you will be disqualified by your random outburst! Why do you do that?”

“Listen here, you just shut up and go back to the right side you simp of a heart! Maybe if you didn’t have so many emotions, we wouldn’t need to have an outburst! Why can’t you stop crying so much! This is why you can’t be HAPPY now and have to compete for it”

“I cry because I feel too overwhelmed with your hard headed ass overthinking about every situation. Why do you like giving us anxiety?”

“Well HEART! I do not LIKE doing anything! I prepare us for the worst and I don’t see you doing-”

GUYS RELAX, if you can’t simply be quiet and stop arguing you both wont get happiness! Why can’t you guys work together!?”


Anyway we are back in 3,2,1! Welcome back to the Fued where we have two teams, Lonye’s heart and Brain competing for their very own lifetime supply of happiness. As we start round two, the speed round. The choosing team will answer 10 questions and if they get 7/10 correct they win the game! If they fail to get at least 7/10 they will lose and the opposing team has a chance to steal!

Now Lonye’s heart, are you starting or skipping the speed round?

“We’ll start.”

Okay there’s 30 seconds on the clock, we’ll begin as soon as you press the button.


What does lonye do for fun?


How often does Lonye eat a day?

“1–2 Times”

What is Lonye shoe size?

“6 in women”

What’s Lonye’s favorite meal?


How tall is Lonye?


How old is Lonye?


Who does she watch the most on youtube?


Who’s her favorite friend?


Does Lonye actually like writing?


Does Lonye like cats?


And that’s time with the left side completing all 10 questions. How do you think you did?

“Im confident in my answers!”

Okay the results are in, if it’s less than 7/10 the opposing team will be eligible for a steal!

Lonye’s heart has received a 6/10, having 4 incorrect answers and giving Lonye’s brain the opportunity to steal-

“HAHA I know exactly which you’ve got wrong you gullible heart you-”

Lonye’s brain that’s enough, you’ve been disqualified! Therefore nobody wins happiness!

“Haha why are you so childish?!”

“Well Why are you never happy!”

“Well why aren’t we ever happy?”

Because you can never work together ! Even when you’re pinned against each other you can’t win happiness without thinking for Love and not for yourself. Selfish brain and vulnerable heart.

And that’s it for today’s feud! Tune in next week starring two more teams, Lonye’s grades vs lonye’s effort !

